» Event: |
EduDays 2017,
April 5 - 6, 2017, Krems, Austria
EduDays 2017 is the #1 event
in Austria when it comes to the digitalization
of school education. Leading experts and policy
makers meet and discuss the ways forward. This
event has a significant impact on Austria’s
legislative directions in education. At the same
time, EduDays is the place for teacher to learn
more about recent and future developments in terms
of ICT in schools and digital skills for students
and teachers. Lea’s Box will is a visible
proponent at EduDays for a smart use of technology
and data in terms of analytics and formatively
inspired assessment and guidance.
See more details at the
event website (in German language).
Presentation sldies incl. weblinks
of Lea's Box presentation
on virtual
worlds in education
» Event: |
Teacher Training
Workshop "Bildung 4.0" [Education 4.0]
5 December 2016, Vienna / 16 December 2016, Graz
Lea’s Box hosts a full
day training workshop for teacher focusing on
“education 4.0“ This buzz word encompasses
various concepts such as formative assessment,
competence orientation, education cloud, or learning
analytics. Lea’s Box provides practitioners
with insights into the concepts, explains the
advantages of learning analytics and provides
concrete hands on experiences with the tolls out
of Lea’s box!
See more details at the
event website (in German language).
» Event: |
FCA Expert
Intensive Workshop - 20 - 22 Septeber 2016
Lea's Box organizes a 3 day expert
workshop on Competence-based Knowledge Space Theory
and Formal Concept Analysis in Graz. Prof. Jürgen
Heller (Tübingen), Prof. Bernhard Ganter
(Dresden), Prof. Reinhard Suck (Berlin) and Dr.
Cynthia Glodeanu (Dresden) discuss with the Lea's
Box team how CbKST and FCA can fertilize each
other to establish a solid theoretical basis for
Learning Analytics.
» Publications: |
The 2016
World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering,
& Applied Computing
The Worldcomp
is a very large event covering a number of various
sub-conferences. Lea’s Box ‘fuels’
2 of them this year: The ICAI on Artificial Intelligence
with our approach of reasoning over large scale
data using FCA and the MSV on modelling, simulations,
and visualizations about the Hasse diagram and
lattice approach of visualizing learning.
Drop us a line for receiving the papers!
» Article: |
Standards for Learning Analytics: TinCan vs Caliper
Educational standards are quite
important in the context of Learning Analytics.
However, oftentimes standards are not compatible
and competing. This
article by Ali Türker gives a brief comparison
of the IMS Caliper and the ADL TinCan standards.
» Event: |
Learning Analytics in Practice - Challenges, Visions,
Lea's Box is organizing a workshop
focussing on the very practical aspects of learning
analytics. In the workshop we want to make an
interactive step from state of the art research
to the concrete application in schools, universities,
or the workplace. We want to identify the obstacles,
describe solutions, and learn about the real benefits
of real world applications.
Visit the workshop
website for more details!
» Event: |
Fourth International
Workshop on Teaching Analytics
Lea's Box is organizing the Fourth
International Workshop on Teaching Analytics in
in conjunction with famous EC-TEL
conference 2016 in Lyon France. The fullday workshop
is held on 16 September 2016.
Visit the workshop
Submit your paper through the
EC-TEL submission system now!
» Event: |
LAEP Project:
Learning Analytics Expert Workshop
The LAEP Project (https://laepanalytics.wordpress.com/)
organized a lively expert workshop on Learning
Analytics on March 16-17, 2015. The main theme
was to define Europe's strategy in terms of Learning
Analytics in the next decades. Some slides from
the event can be found here!
» Publication: |
Learning Analytics for
There are so many different types
of painting styles, ideas, visions, sometimes
anancasms, and not least skills and talent. Now,
how to behold painting from the angle of Learning
Get the article as PDF
» Event: |
Workshop 2015
Castle – famours Leibniz Center for
Informatics pursues its mission of furthering
world class research in computer science by facilitating
communication and interaction between researchers.
Since the very first days of Schloss Dagstuhl,
the seminar and workshop meeting program has always
been the focus of its programmatic work.
In June 2015 Michael Kickmeier-Rust,
coordinator of Lea’s Box, was invited to
a one week workshop [Perspektiven-Workshop] on
the future of entertainment computing and serious
games. Michael emphasized the importance of psychology
and pedagogy being the drivers of such media and
he highlighted the role of ‘Learning Analytics’.
In 2016 a book, born out of this workshop, was
published under the name "Entertainment
Computing and Serious Games" by Springer.
» Publication: |
Learning Analytics for
We started with guitar players,
and now we want to explore what Learning Analytics
might mean to a chef or a hobby cook.
Get the article as PDF
» Publication: |
Learning Analytics for
Guitar Players
Sometimes complex things must
be described with metaphors. Michael of Lea's
Box, being a hobby guitarist, tried to use the
metaphor of learning to play the guitar. Perhaps
this is a field of learning and training, that
has the least connections to what we understand
with learning analytics and formative assessment
and guidance. The clearer, however, gets the value
of what learning analytics can do, also and particularly
in "off-topic" domains.
Get the article as PDF
» Event: |
LAK Workshop: Learning Analytics for
Lea's Box is organizing a workshop
on competence-centred Learning Analytics and Open
Learner Modelling in the context of famous Learning
Analytics and Knowledge conference (LAK) 2016
in Edinburgh, UK, on April 26, 2016.
Visit the workshop
Submit your paper until January
31, 2016!
» Publication: |
Adjacent Government,
Issue 8, Nov 2015
Michael of Lea's Box speaks about
the importance of a meaningful ICT use in schools
and details where and how technology really can
Get the article as PDF
Or visit the Adjacent
Government website for the full issue of the
» Event: |
EC-TEL 2015, September
14-18, 2015, Toledo, Spain
The European Conference on Technology
Enhanced Learning is Europe's main event for educational
technology research. The conference is a unique
opportunity for researchers, practitioners, educational
developers, and policy makers to address current
challenges and advances in the field. Through
EC-TEL, established and emerging researchers as
well as practitioners, entrepreneurs, and technology
developers explore new collaborations, strengthen
networks, and complement their core expertise.
BOX, certainly, is represented at EC-TEL prominently.
We have 2 papers at the conference and we are
promoting the project itself at the poster session.
All details are available at
the conference
One of the best opportunities
to meet LEA and to get in touch with our most
recent developments!
» Event: |
Austrian eEducation
Sommertagung 2015
The eEducation summer symposium is
organized by the Austrian teacher network elsa,
this summer on the school ship Bertha von Suttner
in Vienna. The elsa network aims
at fostering the uptake of new media and ICT in
the daily school practise. At this symposium a
number of high quality key notes are held and
over 100 teachers meet in various workshops. Among
them, LEA’s BOX presented their tools and
approaches in order to make the project public
and to organize further cooperation with teachers
in Austria. The link to the symposium website
[in German] is http://podcampus.phwien.ac.at/eedu-sota15/
» Tools: |
Collection of FCA Tools
Uta Priss is a leading researcher in the field
of FCA. She made a tool
collection that encompasses a wide range of
different tools: Some of them are for free, some
of them are for beginners, others for advanced
users, some of them are great when you are interested
in nice visualizations (since they offer a lot
of features which enable to adapt the visualizations
to one's own needs and preferences), while others
focus more on the “math-part” of the
FCA. Of particular interest may be these tools:
Extension for Excel
• ConExp
(Concept Explorer)
» Event: |
LEA at the movies
In Chrastice, a wonderful village in
the Czech Republic, the project made the film shooting
for a promotional movie. The location was the primary
and secondary school of Chrastice. The professional
film crew and the project team spend a great day on
29-30 July 2015 together with about 20 children, 2 teachers,
and the headmaster. Specifically for the children this
was an impressing event.
» Event: |
Learning Analytics
Summer Camp 2015
The Lea's Box project was organizing a Learning Analytics
Summer Camp in Prague on 31 July 2015.
summer camp is based on an in-depth presentation
of the projects and research directions and the
search for a common ground and alignment of common
strengths. This event is not so much a mere exchange
of knowledge and solutions, but much more a joint
effort to bring all that we have in the pockets
to a concrete and broad application in the European
educational landscape. Essentially, the major
aim of the summer camp is to find joint solutions
to the ‘impact’ we are expected to
make. We believe that streamlining our expertise
and already existing solutions can bring us a
big leap forward. This is not trivial however,
since it requires a team that is big enough to
comprise major knowledge and a team that is small
enough to be able to really accomplish our ambitious,
but so important goal. Together we can form a
team that is strong enough to accomplish this.
Check out the workshop
website with the results of the workshop! |
» Event: |
Digital Assembly
2015 Riga - 'One Europe, One Digital Single Market'
Too many barriers still block the free flow of online
services and entertainment across national borders.
This of course holds true for digital educational tools
and services and the secure cross-border flow of educational
data. The Digital Agenda will update EU Single Market
rules for the digital era. The aims are to boost the
music download business, establish a single area for
online payments, and further protect EU consumers in

The Digital Assembly 2015 was an event co-organised
in Riga, Latvia on the 17-18 June 2015, with the Latvian
Presidency of the Council of the European Union. It
featured inspirational speeches by successful entrepreneurs
and public authorities, networking opportunities and
workshops. The key goal was to establish and promote
a common strategy for the players in the e-Society.
Michael, coordinator of Lea’s Box, was invited
to this event. His impression was that education, learning,
and empowering people was clearly underrepresented.
So he raised a strong voice in WS5 "e-Society"
for the important role of a competency-oriented, knowledge-based
society and that it takes solid and innovative educational
technology to achieve it.
Check out the YouTube
Channel of the Digital Assembly 2015 to see 28 videos
of the event.
» Videos: |
- LEA's BOX Promo Animation (June 1, 2015)
» Event: |
LAK 2015: Learning
Analytics and Knowledge
is the key conference in the field of learning analytics.
The theme of 2015 was Scaling Up: Big Data to Big Impact,
and reflected the growing community of researchers,
practitioners, and learners and the success in leveraging
the power of "big data" to create substantial
impact within higher education and learning at increasingly
larger scale. The event was hosted by Marist College
in Poughkeepsie, New York (USA), in the historic Hudson
Valley. LEA’s BOX present facets of the project’s
work in 2 workshops.
» Event: |
LEA's BOX was invited as international reference
project to present its visions and achievements
January 27-29, 2015, Karlsruhe, Germany. The event is
one of Europe's largest and most important fairs in
the field of learning technologies.

» Info: |
Explaining Learning
Analytics in a few words? Too hard!
Explaining Learning Analytics with a few pictures? Check
it out:
» Documents: |
LEA's BOX Factsheet
(May 16, 2014)
» Event: |
March 6-7, 2014:
LEA's BOX Kick-off Meeting in Graz, Autria
On March 1, the project has officially started and
on March 6-7 we organized the kick-off meeting in Graz,
Austria. The meeting was not only quite successfull
and an effective starting event but also a great social
» Event: |
LEA's BOX attends
the EC Concertation Meeting for TEL projects in Luxembourg
on February 7, 2014
On February 7, 2014 the EC invited 30 running and newly
starting FP7 ICT – TEL project to a concertation
workshop in Luxembourg. Michael attended this meeting
and used the opportunity for networking and dissemination.
Other projects focusing on Learning Analytics with which
LEA’s BOX seeks exchange and cooperation are:
and particularly WatchMe.
The latter can be considered a sister project to LEA’s